
All posts by AndrewMohawk

Maltego As a Service!

Maltego As a Service!

Recently I was helping someone who wanted to get started building their own transforms, and after looking at the efforts they had to go through building the transforms, I thought there must be a better, easier way to set this up. Luckily for me, I see that Paterva have now released the code for what…

Compliment Printer!
Hardware Hacks

Compliment Printer!

Many years ago someone told me this interesting fact about how people receive compliments and it went something like this: “If a person receives a compliment, even if they know it is disingenuous, they still feel better about themselves.” What? This made no sense to me, how would that even be possible. If I was…

Halloween: How to over engineer a mask
Hardware Hacks

Halloween: How to over engineer a mask

Over the years, halloween has always been fun for me, I basically wish I was American so that I could dress up excessively every year! This year I decided that I would like to build my own costume. Naturally I wanted all the blinken lights, but without all the hard work of having to build…

How to train wreck a POV fan
Hardware HacksSecurity

How to train wreck a POV fan

Usually I have a blog post about building/breaking something with the intention of actually building or breaking it. This one however is not like the others. It started about 2 years ago, I got a POV fan from the Lockheed Martin booth at Blackhat, it looked as follows: This is how I destroyed that fan….